Wednesday, December 8, 2010

iPhone / iPad for Visual Art? Ask David Hockney


I'd be interested in how the iPhone or iPad could be used to make worthwhile art no matter who weighed in on the challenge. That David Hockney, one of the world's most established artists, (and one who has made such good sense in his work by exploring traditional representation as well as pushing its boundaries) has made an important splash with it is especially thought provoking and inspiring.

Here's a short
NPR Interview with Mr. Hockney about his current Paris exhibit of a body of work done exclusively on these devices. Also, here's one of many worthwhile articles recently written about the exhibit and Hockney's "iART" titled Digital Art Evangelist David Hockney's iPad Flowers Bloom in Paris.
As iPhones and iPads continue to be eyed by schools as viable supports for learning, Hockney's lead looms as having more and more importance for educators who want to include art in the student expereince. It behooves those of us who are adept at making Visual Art, teaching it, and using technology in this context to familiarize ourselves with it and support our colleagues as they consider it, too.

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